25 ways to get backlinks for an English website

If you are promoting English-language sites , or promote the site for the regions of the USA, Canada, England and Australia. The first thing you will come across is quality backlinks.

With them, in fact, not everything is as simple as we would like. Therefore, we decided to prepare a guide article in which we will clearly show:

– where to get links

– how to get them

– what resources can you use to get them?

Today we bring to your attention 25 ways to get backlinks in the English-speaking segment.

Let’s get straight to the point and consider each method, but the sorting will be from the most important to the unimportant.

1.    Niche directories

Almost every business topic has its own catalogs. They come on both a paid and free basis.

From the link:

You can find a number of such sites where you can register, make a description and leave a backlink to the promoted resource.


— make the description for each directory unique

— add non-anchor links, do not use anchor

How to search for such niche directories?

It’s actually simple. Go to Google and search for:

—       niche directories

—       free niche directories

—       paid niche directories

—       list of niche directories

—  uss business directory

It is also important to search specifically for the keyword of your site topic or its direction.

For example:

“niche names” + directories list

Niche directories

In fact, there are many more options for how to search. But these are quite enough to collect the database you need and work on it.

It is important to check these directories for spam, create a normal list and then post according to it.

2.    Posting via HARO

This is a service that employs many website owners, webmasters and, as a result, optimizers.

Here is the link:

Why the service is normal:

— add our criteria to the project

— subscribe to notifications

— you can get the opportunity to prepare content only on topics of interest

Posting via HARO

In the end, all you need is:

– Get an opportunity

– confirm

— write content

– put a link in it

— place

In general, you need to have a basic understanding of the service and receive new opportunities every day by email. It looks like this:

Posting via HARO

Next act and get links.

3.    Press releases

There is a service like, with which you can send a press release and it will have a high probability of getting on a number of top sites.

Here is a list of services that we tested and use:



— (high chance of getting featured in Google News)


These services have both paid and free ways to post a press release. From experience I will say that it is better to use paid ones, there will be a return.

Press releases for the English-speaking segment

But the return depends on:

– informational occasion

– title (strongly influences)

– written text

In a press release, we insert a link to a website – a company that reports some news in the text.

Before doing so, it is better to look at examples of press releases on these sites that have already been published.

It is also mega important to analyze those that have become successful, understand why and use the same technology.

4.    Adding a video

We need to make a video. It can be educational, for example, like our video releases On the Board .

Next is adding these videos.


This can be done using services like If you don’t want to bother with every video.

For example, here is a list of video directories where you can add:

Not many people add their videos to such directories, and this quickly gives backlinks from more or less normal sites.

5.    Adding infographics

We actively practice creating infographics. 

There are few sites for UA and RuNet where you can add it. But in the English-language segment there are a lot of such sites.

How to find such sites?

– go to the search engine

— we write: infographic submission list

—       submit/add infographic

We get a list of sites. Next, you need to check these sites for spam, and then post them.

Adding infographics

In many top directories, adding infographics is paid. But often it’s a small budget and it’s worth it.

There is a good list here:

6.    Web 2.0 sites

There are a lot of such sites. At least there are more than 500 normal ones.

The lesson talks about such services as:




Web 2.0 sites

They will help you find web 2.0 sites where you can register, write a description of your site and leave a backlink.

There will be more returns if:

– create unique descriptions for each

– add gradually

– do it efficiently, not just quickly

Such sites will help give the promoted site credibility, as well as the number of links.

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7.    Company listings

This is very important for local website promotion in the USA, Canada, England and Australia. But it also affects the growth of positions in search engines.

If you do it automatically and save time, it will help:

Moz recently bought the service, improved it and launched it under the name of their brand.

Before you register, you can see what sites are available to add in your region. For example:

Company listings

Let’s do it simply:

– write the company name

— insert the zip code (you can Google it for the desired city)

— look at accommodation options

In fact, there are hundreds of sites where you can add your company and get a backlink.

8.    Posting guest articles directly

This method is effective and gives not only link juice, but also transitions to the promoted site.

How to search for hosting sites?

— Using Rankinity Links we find such sites

— We contact them directly

Rankinity Links

In order to post an article on an authoritative and thematic resource you will need:

– or budget

– or quality content

If you have previously posted meaningful content on someone else’s websites or on your blog, then it is important to provide examples. This will help you quickly reach an agreement with bloggers.

But as practice shows, if the topics are highly commercial, then placement is mostly done for money.

The more authoritative the site/blog, the more expensive the placement will be.

It is also worth noting that correspondence and networking is a very slow and time-consuming process. Therefore, it is better to initially plan at least 1 person for it.

9.    Directory blog

It is important for all types of sites to create a blog and publish articles there. Maybe often, maybe not. Main quality.

The blog can be added to directories, as a result of which you will receive additional links to the promoted site.

How to search?

The method is the same:

— USS Business Directory

—       blog directories list

— topic name + blog directory

Directory blog

At the first stage, it is important to add to thematic directories, if any. Further to more authoritative ones. After that, to all available and not spammed ones.

Here’s a good basic list:

But it’s better to collect a list for your tasks, and then gradually add your blog to them.

10. Paid directories

Reputable catalogs are gradually dying out, but not all of them. Most of them, in order to stay afloat and at least somehow develop, make a paid addition.

Examples of such directories:,,,,,

Paid directories

In fact, you can collect half a hundred more or less normal sites and go through them.

How to search for such directories?

We go to the search engine and write:

— USS Business Directory

—       paid directories

—       paid directories list

Next, collect a list and gradually add your project to them. The speed of addition depends on the budget for the project.

From practice, you can allocate 20% of the total budget to such a source of obtaining links.

But often the list of normal ones ends in 2-4 months.

11. Posting links directly

When it comes to linking directly. The first question that arises is where to get websites or contacts of web masters?

The answer is simple and obvious – thematic forums.

One of the most normal ones is You can actually find decent backlink offers there.

Then it’s a matter of technique:

— look at the sites

– check them

– if everything is fine

– bargain

— and place

Posting links directly

I can say for sure that 80% of everyone who sells links are Indians. Therefore, if you decide to search for links directly, it is important:

– collect data

– analyze

There are sites for placing links there for every taste and color on almost any topic. There would only be a budget for their placement.

It is also worth paying attention to forums such as:




At first you will have to spend time and study what is there. And also chat a little.


Many people say that this strategy no longer works and does not add weight. In fact, this is true – for gray niches.

If you don’t spam, but make sensible comments, you can receive:

– backlinks

— traffic

– and even recognition


What is the best way to do it for a normal result?

A) Collecting a list of sites and blogs

To collect sites of this type, we again use search. For example:

— niche name + top sites

— niche name + top blogs

– you can also add list

Next, it is important to look at what comment forms they use.

B) We look at the types of forms

For example, many people put:

– discus

– standard WordPress forms

– using social networks

Next, we simply make a plan for how we will comment and proceed to action.

For example:

– part of dofollow unspammed blogs that you just need to go through

— blogs on which we regularly comment

In practice, I will say that you can improve your website well only using this method in many niches. Mainly informational or those that provide services.

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13. Resource pages

There are still many sites that have resource pages and from which they recommend other smart sites.

Let me show you an example:

Resource Pages

In Google search we write: “niche name” inurl:links

As a result, we get a list of sites that have such links. Not to be confused with linko dumpsters.

What should you pay attention to?

— site quality

— how links are placed (for example: branded ones and mainly to the main one)

Next, make a list of normal ones and write to the owners of these resources.

Webmasters treat websites very well and accept them if you have:

– Beautiful design

– quality content

Such sites are quite easy to add to resource pages and generally promote.

There are a number of sites that will be happy to provide a link to your site for a donation.

How to find such sites?

All details in Google search operators. Enter:

«donation list» + «contributors»

contributor page + donate

Next, we look for such sites and pages. We look at the options and post them. In practice:

– half of the sites are placed automatically

– half by hand

Donations or donate links

The first time can be done on the first type of sites. The main thing is to find good sites, check them, pay and place a link.

You can often find .edu sites where you can get a backlink this way.

Also, if you use your imagination, we take large sites like:


We find a site or product that provides a backlink for a fee and place it. On the same you can get a link for $25.

15. Links from forums

Links from discussed threads on forums provide transitions, as well as a back link to the site.

There are a number of companies that are engaged in placing such links in the English-speaking segment.

What should I do?

A) Find thematic forums and enter them yourself

This process is not easy to set up on your own. But it’s quite real. All that is needed:

— software

– resource (in the form of a person – office or freelance)

– instructions on what and how to do

BuzzBundle greatly optimizes this process.


Watch this video: , which Shakin made not long ago . Everything about the software is described there in more than detail.

B) Order from companies

Alternatively, you can try, they do the same for the English-speaking segment.

What is important if you order?

– clearly state the technical specifications

– pay attention to language literacy

– constantly check

In another company there is also a human factor, and they can also screw up.

B) Services

There are a number of services like:



Where you can get such links for a small amount. But in this case, it is very worth paying attention to quality.

Since simply browsing through forums can harm your site.

16. Adding directories to PDF

If you have a website selling services or an information project. Chances are you have some kind of guidance.

It can be anything:

– instructions

– cases

– presentation of the company

– eBook

There are a number of directories where you can add a PDF file and receive a backlink.

How to find such sites?

Again we go to Google and write the following options

—  Business Directory USS

—       pdf directories

—       pdf directory list

—       e-book directories list

– and so on

In fact, you can collect hundreds of sites and gradually add to them. Search engines are not bad at taking such links into account. This will also help diversify your link profile.

17. Links from question answer services

There are a number of services such as:



As well as a number of other and smaller ones that have an audience.

Links from question answer services

How to add links?

This option is completely similar to putting links on forums. You can do everything yourself, or you can outsource it.

For stand-alone use, BuzBundle solves automation. All that remains is to promptly unsubscribe and leave a sensible answer.

18. University graduates

I am often asked how to get a non-purchased link from university websites.

A good option in the graduates section of a number of universities.

For example:

Here is the website of the most authoritative website of the Harvard Business School:

This section contains a list of companies founded by graduates of this school.

University graduates

This method is not easy. But you can do it this way:

– find a number of similar sites with sections

— come to an agreement with graduates (for this level of university this is difficult, but something simpler is more than possible)

You can find them quickly and easily through the proper use of Facebook.

It is also not an exception that the owner of the company that we will promote or are promoting graduated from a university. We can very quickly get a backlink to the site from the university website.

Moreover, this also happens in schools. That is, in high school. Where is it easier to get a link than from a university?

19.  Interview

This method of getting backlinks is old and still works great, not only for links but also for awareness of your brand.

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Who and how to interview?

At first, it is advisable to take from those who are more or less well-known in the field/niche of business for which you are promoting the site.


– be on topic

– or just do a niche analysis and understand who you can take from

From our practice, such interviews may include:

– on the websites of those interviewed

— local media

— blogs

But the result will greatly depend on the person, as well as the material of the interview itself.

Usually the interview is a section of the blog. In which publications are made with a certain frequency.

To receive a normal volume of links, you need to be:

– systemic

– regular

– work on questions

– over the serve

These simple and obvious recommendations just need to be done and the results will come.

20. Adding to CSS Directories

There are many CSS galleries, as well as sites to which you can add a site if your project has a good design.

There are also a number of services that, for a small budget, will help you add to about 100 such directories.


This will help you dilute your link profile, since not many SEOs receive such links (at the moment).

21. Websites – startup directories

Nowadays the niche of startups is greatly inflated, as a result many websites on this topic have appeared. To which you can get links and also get traffic.

How to find such sites?

Again, go to Google and write:

Submit start up

Start up directory list

Websites – startup directories

Sites like provide significant traffic. And very targeted.

Here’s an example with Rankinity:

Not all of them have an indexed direct link, but there are many such sites. Therefore, we search, collect the database, and add.

Important: this is suitable for young sites. We usually first make a stub with a subscription, pump it through such directories and sites. And then we launch a full-fledged website.


– and there are links

– and email database

Here is a list of reputable sites to submit to: . On many, you have to try really hard to get a review.

There are services that, for a small budget, will help you get listed on a number of large and popular startup sites. Here’s the list:

This method of obtaining links for an English-language site should be considered for promoting new and young sites. And also those who are in beta.

22. Broken links

This works well in the English-speaking segment. Namely:

— we find thematic sites

— check them for broken links (for example, using Screaming Frog)

— we write with a request to replace the broken link with yours

In the end, everyone wins. The main thing is to approach the problem and explain that a broken link is bad. It is better to either replace it with the same thematic one or remove it altogether.

Important : when you find such a domain. Then everything is as simple as shelling pears:

— look at the backlinks of this domain

– we go through them

– replace it with your website

The outcome varies. Very often, if you dig deep and find such domains, they can be free for registration.

Sometimes it makes sense to register it right away and make a small thematic site on it. From which to place a link to the main promoted site.

23. Creating mini sites

You can create a network of sites with the help of which you will upgrade the main promoted domain.

So are separate and interconnected domains from which links will come.

How to create such sites?

— we find domains with history and a normal link profile

— we create content

— setting up websites (on WordPress or another system)

– indexing

— we update periodically

In a number of topics, creating your own satellite sites is more profitable than buying links from Indians or through exchanges.

24. Widgets/informers

If you have an information resource, then you should definitely look towards creating a widget.

Many large sites create affiliate programs in which they distribute the installation of widgets/informers on other sites.

The simplest example:

— exchange rates

– weather

— straight

— air tickets

Firstly, you can receive transitions. Secondly, sites will transfer link juice. And the link image also has a good effect on website promotion.

Just analyze the top sites and you will understand that they have been using this strategy for a long time and getting results.

25. Free software/service/product

You can make free software that will solve a small problem. And then distribute it across thematic forums and software sites.

Practice shows that small services or software constantly generate backlinks.

How to do this?

Analyze what the problem is in your niche. Try to solve it with the help of a small free product.

Very often, paid and successful services grow from such small products.


There are many ways to get backlinks to promote an English-language website.

The main thing is to constantly analyze, try new options and directions. Then more ideas will appear on where and how to place backlinks.


– find options

– do it right away

Only then will it be clear exactly which methods give a normal result.

Good article in continuation:

—       Where to get quality links for English-language sites

—       How to promote an English-language website

—       Promoting English-language websites – step-by-step guide

What do you think about these 25 ways to get backlinks for an English-language website?

PS : in fact, the sheet contains more than 100 methods, we’ll just post them not at once, but gradually)

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