Shall we check your attentiveness? Test for the most eagle-eyed: find all the extra objects in the pictures

It’s time to test and train your attentiveness with a fun test of three pictures. Ready to get started?

Why not take a few minutes of your free time to practice mindfulness? Regularly taking such tests helps develop concentration and memory. And it’s also interesting!


In the three pictures that can be seen below, there is one hidden figure that is different from the rest. Start the stopwatch and try to find them all as quickly as possible.

15 seconds is the result you need to strive for! Will you be able to meet this time?

Let’s start the search!

1. Find an extra motorcycle:

Picture puzzle

2. Which peach is different from the rest?

Picture puzzle

3. What is wrong with one of the faces?

Picture puzzle

Look at each image carefully – some of the shapes are not so easy to find!

If you have already completed the task or just want to know the correct answers, then they are waiting for you below:


Right answers:

1. Extra bike:

Answer to the puzzle

2. Extra Peach:

Answer to the puzzle

3. Where is the beard?

Answer to the puzzle

Did you manage to find all the extra objects in 15 seconds? Tell us about your successes in the comments!

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